The Winner’s Way Employer Program
Work in Collinsville, IL? Make your workday even better!
Your team handles tough jobs. We’ll handle the dirty jobs.
Register your Collinsville, IL Business.
Each registered business will receive one 10% off custom discount code to share with your colleagues. Businesses earn points with each detail. Once a quarter, we'll bring prizes and treats to the business with the most points!
Discount code will only apply to appointments Monday - Friday. If a Saturday appointment is booked, the discount will be removed. Discount does not apply to gift certificates.
Please allow 4 business days to receive your unique coupon code after submitting the enrollment form. Only one coupon code will be issued per registered business.
At this time the Winner’s Way Program is only for employers in Collinsville, IL. As the program expands we look forward to including additional areas.
No! The Winner’s Way program is completely free for businesses to enroll in.
Yes, those booking a discounted detail will need to either book with a valid company email address, present a business card with their name, have a company ID, or a paystub (personal info aside from name and company may be redacted).
Complete the enrollment form.